Robert Prevost

Robert Prevost

Hoffman Estates, IL |





Featured Projects

Nuclear Physics System

Inspired by Rutherford's Atomic Model, this project simulates atomic formation using Coulomb's law for electric force and a modified Yukawa Potential for nuclear forces. It serves as an educational tool, modeling atoms from protons, electrons, and neutrons. (Code can be found in my GitHub Repository: Repo)

Luau Physics Roblox Studio

Physics Solver

A bridge between gaming and education, this physics solver uses Pygame to visualize mechanics problems like the Boat and Pulley Problems, with interactive UI, animations, a settings menu, and a drawing board.(Code can be found in my GitHub Repository: Repo)

Python Pygame Physics

Roblox Game Development

I develop on Roblox for greater player visibility and faster feedback loops. Over five years, Iโ€™ve refined game design, engagement strategies, and monetization, accumulating 22,000 visits and writing over 10,000 LOC.

Luau Game Design Roblox Studio Data Store Game Systems

Portfolio Website

A full-stack web app showcasing my projects and skills, built from scratch with a PostgreSQL back-end for review data. (Code can be found in my GitHub Repository: Repo)

HTML CSS JavaScript PHP PostgreSQL

All Class Projects

Compilation of all my school work.

CSC 121 (C++) CSC 122 (C++) DSA (Data Structures & Alg) (Java)
C++ Java

Professional Work

Operator Page

My most impactful project at Lake Cable, affecting hundreds of workers across all plants. The operator page is the one-stop suite for all machine operators on the plant. Running 24/7 on multiple desktops, this website holds all necessary information needed for operators through complex SQL queries and professional full-stack development. Also capabilities to modify length control, call down QA's, schedule downtimes and complete work orders.

Operator Page Image

Showcasing the operator page on one of dozens of machines. Currently hovered over a current order at D1_B


TV Scheduler System

A comprehensive scheduling system for managing cable manufacturing operations across multiple production lines. The system provides real-time monitoring of machine statuses, production schedules, and order tracking. Features include color-coded status indicators, detailed run time calculations, and integrated compound tracking.

TV Scheduler Interface - Production Line View

Real-time production line monitoring interface showing active schedules and machine statuses

TV Scheduler Interface - Multiple Line View

More pictures

PHP JavaScript SQL Server HTML/CSS Real-time Monitoring

Vitrek CSV Creation Script

A sophisticated Python script designed to automate the creation of test CSV files for the Vitrek testing program. The script processes multiple variables including number of conductors, ground wire presence, test type, voltage, and duration to generate unique test configurations. Features include intelligent test parameter validation, comprehensive error handling, and a robust logging system for tracking file generation.

Python CSV Processing Data Validation Automation Technical Documentation

New Operator Sequence Page

A front-end revamp of the operator sequence page. Fast navigation of jobs scheduled for each machine substantially increased the speed of scheduler's to schedule jobs.

Operator Page Image

Old Op Seq page for reference

View Live Demo
Frontend Data manipulation HTML JavaScript CSS

Tool Calibration System

A system designed to be the main software for our quality engineers. Equipped with data inputs, data views, calendars and function saves.

Tool Image

Data view website showcasing multiple tools based on specific searches.

Tool Image

Search functionality that searches for a specific tool.

Tool Image

Data input for tests of each tool.

Tool Image

List of tools in an excel format using html with proper file connection integration.


Home page front end redesign

A redesign to the home page of schedulers to schedule jobs more efficiently. Created from scratch by me. Demo uses dummy data.

Tool Image

The home page I built in HTML/CSS/JS

View Live Demo
Frontend JS CSS Data HTML


Average Rating: 5.0 / 5
Brennan Powers - Lake Cable LLC

I have seen Robert start off as an intern under me and work his way up to being an integral part of the programming team. He has shown his ability to learn on the spot and complete any project we throw at him. His contributions to the full stack development of real time production metrics, Operator software and Quality software have made a lasting impact at Lake Cable.

Relation: Coworker

Kevin Shryock - - Harper College

Robert is a funny and clever student, eager to learn, support others, and lighten the mood. It was a pleasure having Robert in my Calculus 3 course.

Relation: Former Instructor

Professor (Anonymous)

Excellent student. Asks good questions, comes to office hours, appears to be an excellent lab partner. Would recommend!


Robert is an exemplary student. I'm continually surprised by just how much effort and time he puts into his classes. He is consistently at office hours and tutoring and studies until he seems to have perfect knowledge of the subject. He's always very energetic and outgoing, and is always a great person to be around.

Relation: College Peer

Justin Du -

Robert is very cool. He is quick to learn subjects during class and great at explaining them to fellow peers like me. He is driven to learn coding and excels at it. He is an inspiration and gives me hope in this world.

Relation: Highschool friend

Anlil - - N/A

Robert is amazingly helpful and never lets my requests down. Heโ€™s always open to work with anything even if itโ€™s out of his comfort zone. Robert is always reliable and never lets me down. You are absolutely missing out if you never met this amazing person.

Relation: College Peer

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Engineering Pathways Program

Harper College / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Current GPA: 3.9

Fall 2023

๐Ÿ† President's List
CHM 121 General Chemistry I (Honors)
CSC 121 Computer Science I
ECO 211 Microeconomics
EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering
MTH 200 Calculus I

Spring 2024

๐Ÿ† Dean's List
CHM 122 General Chemistry II
MTH 201 Calculus II
PHI 205 Religions of the World (Honors)
PHY 201 General Physics I: Mechanics

Fall 2024

๐Ÿ† President's List
CSC 122 Computer Science II
EGR 210 Analytical Mechanics/Statics
MTH 202 Calculus III
PHY 202 General Physics II: E&M

Spring 2025 (In Progress)

CIS 245 Data Analysis
In Progress
CSC 216 Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis
In Progress
MTH 203 Linear Algebra
In Progress
MTH 220 Discrete Mathematics
In Progress
MUS 103 Music Appreciation
In Progress